Thursday 10 January 2013

Newborn photography | Posing with parents | London | Bishops Stortford

Many parents do not want to be photographed with their new babies, after all when else have you ever had such little sleep? Baby Elodie's parents were old hands at being photographed and were more than happy to pose for the camera. We had a fantastic session, thank you for welcoming me into your beautiful home xx

I had laid Elodie in my blankets so that I could set some colour back drops up and when I turned to get her, I was met by this very contented, comfortable sight!
Here is Elodie's "solo" shot

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Newborn baby photographer | Hertfordshire | Essex | London

Happy Christmas to all of my customers and followers.
Baby Roma was my last little customer for 2012 and she was possibly the smallest customer of the year, weighing in at just under 5lb!
Mum and Dad wanted something really Christmassy for their relatives... so here it is ...

Saturday 15 December 2012

Newborn Portrait Photographer - when is my baby too old?

A lot of mum's ring me for a newborn photoshoot when their babies have already been born.
I am often asked when is my baby too old for a newborn shoot?

In an ideal world a newborn portrait shoot should take place before 2 weeks of age. At ten days to two weeks, babies have already become a lot "straighter" then they were all curled up in the womb, cartilage is already hardening to bone. They no longer like to have their legs tucked up, or their hands and arms swaddled.

Not only that, they are more aware of their surroundings so if you are moving them around or using a flash light they tend to want to know why and stay awake. Even babies that "sleep all day" according to their parents can spend three hours awake at a photoshoot.

However, some success can be gained with babies older than 2 weeks, dependant on the baby. For example a bottle fed baby will sleep more heavily. A premature baby may be five weeks in this world, but not yet due to be born, so very sleepy.

Here are some examples of different aged babies and what might be acheivable...

This baby was three weeks old. We got lots of lovely wide awake shots, but she did eventually sleep...

This baby was only 5 days old, so it's not unusual to get wide awake shots from them either...

This baby was 5 weeks old and slept all the way through...
This baby was four weeks old and refused to sleep for the whole four hour shoot, however being a third baby she was early to smile, so we had great fun and giggles too...
This baby was 8 weeks old and just came for a one hour shoot...
So you can see no baby is predictable, Yvonne will do the best she can for your baby and your portrait shoot.

Friday 14 December 2012

Baby Roma was born early weighing 4lb 11oz, she was only two weeks old when she came to me for portraits, but she was already very alert, with her gorgeous big blue eyes. One big bottle later and she was fast asleep though and we got some fantastic girly pink images. Here are my favourites.

Monday 19 November 2012

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Newborn baby portrait photographer | Bishop's Stortford | Hertfordshire | Essex | London

Today in my studio I had the gorgeous little Millie. After an unsettled start she took a really good feed and then slept straight through for three hours and she had no accidents on the blankets :o)
She looked absolutely stunning in pink and as this was mummy's favourite colour my job was simple.
Here are a couple of my favourite portraits...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Newborn portrait photographer | Sawbridgeworth | Hertfordshire | Essex | London

Today in my studio I had lovely little Lenny. He was very sensitive to touch, so every change of pose resulted in him waking up. He had very wise eyes for one so young! So it was with lots of patience that I acheived a set of portraits for his mum and dad to enjoy for ever more.

Here are a few of my favourites, including the obligatory Christmas hat shot for this time of year…

Friday 12 October 2012

Newborn portrait photographer | Bishops Stortford | Hertfordshire | Essex | London

Today in the studio I had the pleasure of working with baby Sebastian. I had already photographed him as a bump and his mum and dad had very clear ideas on what they wanted, this always helps the artistic juices to flow! Dad was a farmer so they wanted everything in browns and greens and creams, just scrummy!
Here are just a few of my favourites…

Friday 7 September 2012

Newborn portrait photographer | Stevenage NCT | Hertfordshire

This gorgeous newborn baby girl came to me on recommendation from a newborn I had photographed the previous week. Both families had met through their local NCT group in Stevenage. There is nothing more satifying than a recommendation, because it means you have made two families happy for the price of one :o)

Here are a couple of my favourites from baby A's gallery: